A la carte Massages of the World training
In order to practice as a "Wellness Massage Practitioner" the trainee must show the necessary skills, observed by the trainer and a minimum training of 200 hours, either with this school or in accumulation from other schools. A practical and theoretical exam will be compulsory upon completion of these 200 hours before the delivery of the "Certificate of Massage Practitioner of the World ©"
Each module can be followed independently for people wishing to specialize in a particular practice

Small groups of 8 maximum/course
Thai Plantar Reflexology
From March 25-27, 2022
A unique apprenticeship with Siri of a half-hour or 1-hour Thai foot reflexology protocol, Certificate given after showing your ability to practice this massage.
360€ in self-financing

Small groups of 8 maximum/course
Ayurvedic massage
From April 8-10 and June 11-12, 2022
A unique apprenticeship with Siri of an Ayurvedic massage protocol 1h- 1h30, Certificate given after showing your ability to practice this massage.
600€ in self-financing

Small groups of 8 maximum/course
Lomi lomi massage
From June 17-19 and From July 8-10 at Ampus up to 6 people, or at the Aix-en-Provence footbridge for 6 or more people
A unique learning with Siri of a Lomi lomi massage protocol of one hour and 1h30. Certificate given after showing your ability to practice this massage.
6 days in 2 modules of 3 days 48h
€720 in self-financing with Siri in the Var or €920 at the Passerelle Aix-en-Provence

Balinese Massage
From June 11-12 and July 2-3, 2022
A unique learning with Siri of a Balinese massage protocol of 1h - 1h30, Certificate given after showing your ability to practice this massage.
480€ in self-financing

Set up as a wellness massage practitioner in FRANCE
upcoming dates in 2023
A unique apprenticeship with Siri in order to learn installation, marketing and relationship tips with your customers. Study effective and simple methods to create your business serenely
Know the law according to the practice of wellness massage in France
Study the market and create market research in the field
Create a business plan
Learn the choices of legal forms for your own business
Apply the business creation steps to URSSAF
250€ in self-financing

Set up as a wellness massage practitioner in FRANCE
upcoming dates in 2023
A unique apprenticeship with Siri in order to learn installation, marketing and relationship tips with your customers. Study effective and simple methods to create your business serenely
Know the law according to the practice of wellness massage in France
Study the market and create market research in the field
Create a business plan
Learn the choices of legal forms for your own business
Apply the business creation steps to URSSAF
250€ in self-financing

In private lessons
on request, contact Siri directly
Unique learning with Siri in private lessons
250€ per day